The long road to Cullaville
Stories from my travels to every country in the world
- "Kester writes passionately about his encounters and experiences around the world. His meets the reader with an authentic voice, whilst sharing moving reflections on how he internalises his travels; and how this weaves into the human story." - Dinésha Mendis (United Kingdom)
- "Boris Kester is an amazing and intelligent writer, very inspiring. I always wanted to travel around the world and I lost track but after reading this book I am highly inspired and back on track to travel around the world. There soo much to learn from this book,I can't stop reading it, I will definitely recommend this book for everyone, go get your copy today." - Richard Mantey (Canada)
- "The Long Road to Cullaville is a thrilling compilation of adventures across every country in the world. Kester's vivid storytelling captures the essence of each culture and landscape, making readers feel as if they are journeying alongside him. Particularly striking is his exploration of Yemen, where his interactions with the locals amidst political tension reveal a poignant blend of beauty and complexity in human connections. I salute people who are open to discovering the world and learning how other fellow humans live out there." - Papadiyaye (United Kingdom)
- "Boris Kester is a great storyteller and shares a no-nonsense, revealing kaleidoscope of "short stories" in each chapter of this exciting and graphic book. Each country visited is a tale of excitement, drama, and brutally honest episodes experienced in his travels to the most difficult countries in the world to visit. He keeps it exciting and the fast-moving pace holds your attention, making it a real page-turner." - Patti E. (United States)
- "Global, Remarkable, Epic, Adventure, Travel. The perfect gift for any travel enthusiast . Honest, sincere, a compelling array of stories they will make laugh and cry and most certainly book a trip of your own." - Anon (Italy)
- "The Long Road to Cullaville by Boris Kester tells of his many travels. His travels have taken him to every country in the world. In each chapter he invites you to experience a different country. Many of these countries are posted as travel at your own risk. He tells you about the challenges he encounters (getting approval to enter a country, surprises when he takes a hike, etc.) but also the benefits of getting off the beaten track. He encounters a wide range of locals - some helpful and others motivated to cause trouble. I would have liked him to discuss the challenges of communication. How many languages could Boris understand/speak? What strategies did he use, when encountering people speaking a language he did not know? A very interesting and engaging narrative." - C. V. Kirkstadt (United States)
- "The author set and implemented a goal of traveling to all countries in the world and completing it in 10 years. This book demonstrates setting goals, planning, and implementing. It also shows resilience and tenacity. The author shares different experiences he encountered along this huge journey, many of which were harrowing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about places that I may never have the opportunity to visit. This book offers a captivating and adventurous read, and I highly recommend it to travel enthusiasts and those who appreciate real-life adventures!" - Charlie (United States)
- "This book takes you on a wild ride to places most people never go, from Afghanistan to Somalia. Boris Kester's honest writing makes you feel the excitement and fear of traveling to every country in the world. Reading his crazy stories will make you want to get out there and explore, but also think about how chance and choice shape our lives." - Grant Francke (United States)
- "The writer is an excellent storyteller. I loved how he gives you reasons to broaden your travel horizons. The book was very well written and exciting to read." - Zack Barrow (United States)
- "Boris Kester's storytelling made me feel like I was right there with him on his incredible journey around the world. Each of the sixteen stories is packed with vivid descriptions, unique experiences, and the kind of cultural insights you just can't get from a travel guide. Whether you're an avid traveler or prefer exploring from your couch, this book will ignite a sense of wanderlust and curiosity in you. It's a captivating read that not only entertains but also broadens your perspective on the diverse beauty our world offers." - Nic (United Kingdom)
- "It felt like I was right there with Boris during his travels. This is a well-written book. I am not into traveling out of the country but this book makes me want to go to these countries. I hope Boris writes more about his travels. It was so interesting and eye-opening at the same time. This was a very intriguing book. Thank you Boris for taking us along for the ride!" - Michelle Holmes (United States)
- "I'm not normally that into travel books but this was much more a series of travelling adventures, and many of the places visited were fascinating, particularly the more exotic and dangerous places. The writing style is really accessible and once I got going I absolutely flew through the book as I couldn't put it down. It's full of incidents and many of the adventures are thought-provoking as they demonstrate aspects of cultures / travel / countries that are normally hidden from view. Highly recommended." - Gary Oldroyd (United States)
- "I highly recommend this book! Boris is a real adventurer and a superb storyteller. I have also traveled extensively (to 167 UN member states), so wondered how much I would enjoy an account of someone else's traveling. Within the first chapter, I knew that this was going to be a good read. In some respects, Boris' trips were harder than the equivalent trips today because of circumstances at the time - such as the few flights to Nauru (there are more now) or the difficulty in getting a visa for Equatorial Guinea (easier today and, until recently, not needed at all for those of us with US passports). Also, Boris doesn't opt for the easy version of travel to difficult countries. Where others might fly into a capital and take a tour in a 4x4 vehicle, he's instead crossing a land border and jumping on the back of a motorbike driving through the bush on a barely-marked track. There is no sugarcoating here: for example, we hear details about the widespread corruption among officials in some parts of the world. Boris' enthusiasm for travel is evident on every page of this book. Sure, sometimes travel is challenging and uncertain – which is a large part of its attraction. I hope that this account of off the beaten path travel inspires others to explore the world. I read this book in one day - broken into two sessions only because I had to get off a plane! I look forward to the sequel." - Justine Kirby (New Zealand)
- ""The Long Road to Cullaville" is more than just a collection of travel anecdotes. It is a testament to the transformative power of travel, showcasing how encountering different cultures can broaden one's perspective and deepen one's understanding of the world. Through Kester's lens, readers gain insights into the shared humanity that unites us all, regardless of our geographical origins." - Juan Vega (United States)
- "Overall, I found immense enjoyment in this book. Boris Kester's extensive travels to every corner of the world are distilled into a collection of travel stories from 16 of those countries, including some that ar notoriously challenging to visit, such as Yemen, Somalia, Iran, and Afghanistan. These narratives capture the essence of travel, with all its trials of negotiation, visa acquisition, and border crossings, but also the magic of the journey - the adventure, the memorable encounters, and the transcendant sensation of being in a new place. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone with a passion for travel." - Anonymous (London, United Kingdom)
- "Well written book, in a clear manner and with the capacity to engage the reader. Sixteen chapters about adventures and dangers that the author lived to visit all 193 countries of the world. Inspirational read that will make you understand that there are no real 'dangerous' countries. Good read!" - Gabriella (Milan, Italy)
- "I, who travel a lot, had found it very interesting to read about places I had been with a totally different perspective. I could also relate to the author about his thoughts and the reality on traveling to what people or media call 'red' countries. It kept me hooked and although I am not a big reader and I couldn't put the book down (was reading it while traveling to Egypt on Sinai). Bravo! I have been inspired to write about my trips too." - Bikinis (Germany)
- "There are books you stop in the middle, there are books you read and forget, and there are books you want to re-read and they stay with you forever! The Long Road to Cullaville is one of those that will stay not only in your mind, but also in your heart forever. It is not only extremely funny, but also makes you learn, makes you wonder, makes you want to see all those places yourself. It also gets you closer to the author, in a way makes you feel like you know him, he has been a good friend for a long time. Because the authors' stories are real, his enthusiasm and curiosity is contagious, his courage in decisions he makes/paths chooses to take is admirable, his storytelling is authentic! It is not only a series of travel stories, it is a snapshot of the author's life; how he lived and how he loved. It warms your heart, it puts a smile on your face, it makes you crave to discover the world.....This is a book that will stay in your heart for a long time! And this is a book you will want to carry with you to all the new places you go!" - Tansel (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- "Boris Kester has managed to write a book that gives you the feeling of life and zest for action like Tintin once did. With fast-moving stories, you follow Boris as he shows again and again that the most beautiful stories in life are those that you only experience if you rely on your gut feeling, courage, and curiosity, but paired with humility and respect. This impression captivates and impresses in every story of this book with eloquent, detailed, and funny words.
The stories Boris tells do not claim to be the best, the greatest, the most breathtaking, as is, unfortunately, the case in many travel books today, but are about honest and raw moments he experiences in different countries and cultures. It is exactly this kind of narration that makes the book a must-read for avid travelers, of any kind.
The only thing that remains after reading The Long Road to Cullaville is the desire for more. More stories, more impressions, more words from Boris Kester." - Max (Vienna, Austria) - "Heartfelt, exciting, very informative and well written. Boris Kester is an excellent writer. At the top level of writing it is natural talent that differentiates the best, and Boris clearly belongs in the group of the best. Yes, this is his first book but his talent is clear. Yes, he will get better and I look forward to seeing his second book. I read a lot, and good writing stands out immediately for me. So it was with pleasure that I read this book, enjoying the beautiful flow of words, the suspenseful plot construction in each chapter and the clear descriptions that left me with lasting impressions. Reading the book has been an education for me. Of politics, geography and of the technicalities of travel. The politics of the counties like Equatorial Guinea are payed bare and it is heart-breaking to read about such places. Boris also explores the geography of the counties. In Central African Republic he goes deep into the jungle, in Liberia he climbs the highest mountain, and in my mind I do the same. For many people travel is a chance to get to a tranquil place and do nothing for a while. Boris though takes us on adventures in extraordinary places and it is wonderful. The adventures had me heart racing. From Iran to Cuba, I was on the edge of my seat. I wanted to savour the writing but it was so exciting that I kept reading faster and faster. From the heart. Boris is in touch with his emotions and this is what makes this book truly enjoyable. It is no macho adventure, but a connected exploration of the places he visits and the feelings he feels when there." - Gary (Germany)
- "What I like so much about reading is that I can go wherever I want in my mind. These fantastic travel stories of Boris Kester allowed me to go even further. He has in fact visited and experienced all countries in the world. Every page, I was travelling with him! As a small boy, travel was already part of his life. In this book he describes 16 destinations with the adventure that comes with them. Countries that are strongly discouraged and even labeled dangerous or insane are not a reason for him not to go. Every page has an event, the surroundings, people, nature and culture are all described in detail. You really imagine you are on the spot. Also the dangers of travel are being touched upon: being imprisoned, abused, being cheated: not everything is rosy when you want to see the whole world. Boris is a true adventurer, photographer, and is one of the only 200 people on the planet who have visited every country. As a true traveller or secret adventurer, this book is a real must-read. I for one can't wait to pack my bag and go! PS If you want to live his adventures to the full? Through the QR code on the backside of the book, you have access to tons of photos of his beautiful travels!" - Nienke (Netherlands)
- "This is a fantastic book. The only Dutchman who has visited every country of the world and who manages to take a pick from all those stories. What I found remarkable and worth a compliment, is that the author still gets amazed on his travels. It was a pleasure to read about countries that most of us cannot even point on the map. I can't wait for part 2, because someone who travels so much must have many more stories to tell." - Ada (Nijverdal, Netherlands)
- "This is not a travel guide! There are literally thousands of books written about where and how to travel in any country you might want to visit. Instead, Boris writes about his unique experiences in places that the average person will probably never get to. Boris's career as a purser for a major international airline, has given him the opportunity to travel to every country in the world and this book describes the unique people and experiences along the way. I've been to only 104 of the UN recognized countries and will never get to most of the places in his book. The Congo, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia and others are not on my bucket list. This book will change your prospective about travel to those places and, just maybe, provide a little incentive to broaden your travel horizons. A very enjoyable read!" - Pres (Valrico, USA)
- "A must read for every travel enthusiast! Boris Kester's travel genius shines in new and unexpected ways in this travel literature masterpiece. A travel thriller depicting journeys to different and difficult corners of the world with riveting stories from Boris's personal travel experiences. I enjoyed reading this book while on a cruise to Antarctica. While I enjoyed exploring the seventh continent during the day, this book would transport me to different corners of the world with some super suspenseful stories in the evenings. A must read if you are an aspiring traveler or already a traveler. Boris's experience helped me deal with a panic situation I myself faced while I was on one of the most exciting travels of my life till date. Awesome job Boris Kester. Your book is a flat out masterpiece. Wish you all the luck for your future writings. Can't wait for the sequel." - Ameet (Dubai, UAE)
- "As a country collector myself I have read a number of books from my colleagues in this hobby. The most boring ones are the ones having copied Wikipedia and just basically added date of their visit. The better ones have not been that strict in order or even covering all the countries but grouping them for example according a theme (How I ran out of countries by Garfors). This is one of the better ones, definitely, having picked up a dozen + some more separate stories. Maybe a bit too much on the crossing borders side and difficulties related to them, but still, a really good book!" - Pirkko (Espoo, Finland)
- "I greatly enjoyed this book. Boris Kester has visited every country in the world, and this book is a collection of travel stories from 16 of those countries, including many countries that are difficult to visit, such as Yemen, Somalia, Iran and Afghanistan. These stories capture the experience of travelling, with all of the hassles of bargaining and getting visas and crossing borders, but also the wonder of travel - the adventure, the memorable people you meet, and the transcendent experience of being in a new place. I strongly recommend this book to anyone with a love of travel." - Phil (Toronto, Canada)
- "In one word: magnificent! I was never much into travel, but this book has inspired me. As if you were taken along in the story. Absolutely recommended; it is a gorgeous read." - Jessica (Ede, Netherlands)
- "Beautiful travel stories to countries a normal tourist would never go to. Sleeping in Hotel California at the base of Mount Everest, getting drunk at a Muslim wedding party, dealing with a drunk customs official - just to name a few examples. Thanks to his perseverance, Boris eventually always gets to his destination. Magnificent book and a delight to read." - Martien (Deurne, Netherlands)
- "This is a travel book written with pace, by a driven adventurer who does not shy away from dangerous countries at war in his mission to visit every country in the world. He overcomes troubles with corrupt officials in Africa and South America, and runs into cancelled flights which force him to change his plans. But his urge to reach his goal eventually makes his plans come through, even with a detour. His empathy and respect for other cultures earns him sympathy from the locals. A delight to read and travel along with him from the safety of your own chair." - Hanneke (Voorburg, Netherlands)
- "Completed! I want more to read... I enjoyed every chapter, every page, every sentence and every word in the book.
All the stories about the places I have never heard about, or thought of visiting. All the excitement, frustration and enjoyment... The book brought me there, placed me in front of where it happened, how it happened and who in it. No doubt, the man has traveled with soul! A brave, strong and purposeful traveler, but also a soft, careful and amiable person.
The book brought me back to my earlier adventures. Although my travels were far less exciting, far less dangerous, far less work to make, but my travels have made me stronger, braver and more purposeful in life, and probably softer, more careful and more amiable.
I know so well the feeling of getting a new stamp on my passport everytime I entered/exited a country. I remember so well how hard I tried to ask the migration officers to stamp carefully at the corner of pages, because I ran out of space. And I was (still am) so proud to owe a passport with full of stamps... No empty place left!
And I can second the writer, "the more I travelled, the more I realised that there was so much more to discover".
Thank you, Boris Kester for sharing your incredible stories. I know that I only can travel to your mentioned destinations in my imagination. I am looking forward to reading your next book. Please keep writing, keep sharing.
"The next morning, as the sun begins its climb into the sky above the dense jungle of the Central African Republic, where Pygmies will once again be casting their nets, strong men load all the luggage onto the roof, the bus fills up quickly and I'm even allowed to sit next to the driver..." Just too beautiful to read... Thank you!" - Mai (Oslo, Norway) - "Great book, great stories, great writing! Usually, it takes me months to finish a book, but "The long road to Cullaville" was read in no time. The author has really managed to take readers to the adventurous places with him. An impressive way of writing, that could make you feel like you are in a 3/4D movie when reading it. Highly appreciated and recommended." - Mai (Oslo, Norway)
- "I finished reading the book in no time. The style of writing, the stories and adventures are very impressive, sensational and at times identifiable. Great that the author has fulfilled his mission, has not been stopped by potential danger or objections of others and good to read that fortune and guardian angels were on the side of the author at the moments where it mattered most. A very beautiful book for every adventurer fond of travelling." - Hanneke (Sint Odiliënburg, Netherlands)
- "I expected to read one more book about how the author has visited all UN countries, with hardly a page per country, like other authors have done in an superficial way. But no: Boris has selected 16 adventures from 16 countries. He has worked these out and the result is a human narrative, full of emotions that reach your soul. Boris doesn't travel to fill a booklet with a travellers club just to say he has been there, but immerses himself in the culture of the natives and interacts with them. His chapters on Equatorial Guinea, Yemen and Afghanistan have touched me most. However, I thought those of Nauru and Cuba with misunderstandings with the Cuban authorities were less interesting. In general, this is a formidable book, a book for lovers of adventures with a human touch." - Cándido (Palencia, Spain)
- "What a book! From beginning to end a delight to read about the travels of Boris. Exciting and touching, surprising events present themselves at high speed. I couldn't put it down but had to keep something to read for later. I cannot wait for the next book of this inspiring traveller/author." - Onno (Haaksbergen, Netherlands)
- "Without a doubt, you will find The long road to Cullaville in the section "travel stories", but it is so much more than just an account of where he has been and what he has seen. Boris has written a veritable pageturner with this book. From the very first sentence, you are drawn into a world full of adventures of which most of us cannot even dream. If you love travel and exploration, this book is an absolute must! But also if you just want to read a finely written storybook in which you imagine being in different parts of the world, this is something for you. It almost felt like I was walking next to Boris on the beach of Nauru and we looked up together where once the mighty Buddha's of Bamiyan (Afghanistan) once stood. The only thing I had to do was to read the next word in the sentences, and that for almost 300 pages. Boris' stories are chock full of emotions and amazement with at times an incredible twist. If you don't feel the irresistible urge to go explore yourself after reading this book, then exploration just isn't your thing." - Steven (Ede, Netherlands)
- "In these years of uncertainty and isolation, we all try to figure out our own ways to continue life, possibly with the presence of a permanent pandemic. The Long Road to Cullaville is a friendly distraction, allowing the reader to travel through time, seasons and continents, getting a glimpse of what it's like to live like an actual globetrotter. The short stories are made up of picturesque adventures, and together paint a beautiful insight into corners of our planet that most of us will not have any imagination of yet. Warning: the travel urge of Boris Kester might be contagious..." - Maite (Barcelona, Spain)
- "The Long Road to Cullaville is a story of a million roads. Roads, crossing jungles, deserts, waters and mountains. However, while reading this book you might have to reconsider the definition of a road. Kester's travel routes tend to meander through the most magnificent and unknown parts of the world, and, whenever possible, without following any official directions. Think: hitchhiking on motorcycles, floating on wooden canoes and balancing between people and animals on the back of a truck. The book is filled with creative alternatives and solutions to discover those countries, cultures and languages that will not appear in any Travel Top 50. In short, this is a book that cheers for the richness of our world: a celebration of diverse beauties and for the ever returning goodwill of humans, often in the most unexpected situations." - Maite (Barcelona, Spain)
- "What a fantastic and special book! While reading chapter one, I was sold immediately. Boris has a pleasant style of writing which keeps you hooked and takes you along on his exceptional travel stories. His adventures are touching, thrilling and humorous. Extremely ingenious that the author manages to conjure up both a smile and a tear on the face of the reader. I finished reading the book in no-time, which I regretted. I am looking forward to reading more books of this author!" - Eva (Muiden, Netherlands)
- "The stories in this book are all compelling and never the same. The writing style is swift and illustrative. You get the feeling of travelling along: you feel the adventure, the tension, the heat, and everything else. It all feels very inviting to go out and travel yourself and see the landscapes and cultures for yourself. Although ... you must be very adventurous to do so. For those who are not, and I am one of them, this book definitely recommended: it makes you travel and live adventures without leaving your own reading corner. How delightful is that?" - Elma (Netherlands)
- "The various travel stories are all interesting. They are personal stories and experiences in which Boris gets in touch with the local population. We gain an insight into the different cultures and ways of living. His visits to war-torn countries are striking because Boris focuses on the human side of people and not the political circumstances of the country. He gives the country a face by writing about his contact with the locals." - Elma (Netherlands)
- "In "The long road to Cullaville" we travel with Boris Kester. An adventurous man who has travelled to every country in the world. He literally takes us to all corners of the world. He thus tells stories about countries that you never knew existed. That is, they were not mentioned in geography class at school. Through Boris' stories, we learn about these unknown countries. We also land in countries where danger lurks around every corner of the street, like Yemen, Iran and Somalia. Many people will ask themselves a hundred times if it is wise to travel to those countries. It only proves that Boris is a man who does not shy away from adventure." - Elma (Netherlands)
- "This is not just another travel book. These are the breathtaking and magnificent stories of a real traveller. The way in which the author does everything and anything to visit extraordinary countries is nothing but fascinating. The beauty is, you are there as a reader. As if you meet the locals yourself, and conquer all kinds of problems again and again (sometimes not), which this extreme travel entails. The author also makes it very personal. Thus, the stories don't just give a wonderful insight of the countries with nature and local culture, but they also give an insight into the travel virus. The art of travel and the purpose of travel. With humour and emotions. Looking for adventure, and inevitably also the dangers: how far are you willing to go? The author goes very far. And that makes this book unique. Let yourself be swept along in these adventures. I read it in one breath." - Jelle (Haarlem, Netherlands)
- "In this book, you travel with Boris Kester. Through his eyes, you get to know people in countries where you will probably never travel yourself. Beautiful descriptions of other cultures, extraordinary landscapes and unexpected events. How enjoyable to experience adventures from your own safe environment!" - Leila (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- "I can't put it into one word because the book is breathtaking, impressive, funny, very adventurous and moving. In this book, Boris takes you to countries that are not obvious destinations for most travellers. Some of these countries are negatively in the news because of wars. Boris always manages to focus on the human side which makes it so very beautiful. In case you were not yet bitten by the travel bug, you will be after reading The long road to Cullaville. I cannot wait for the sequel. Because you know: He who travels has stories to tell." - Paola (Heemstede, Netherlands)
- "Splendid book with enchanting travel stories. Boris Kester has travelled to every country in the world, and writes about uncommon destinations. He finds his big love in Yemen, gets apprehended and detained on a military base in Iran, and gets drunk at a wedding party in Turkmenistan. A good insight into the world of a hardcore adventurer. It is written illustratively. You can almost see, smell and hear what is happening. Once I started reading, I finished within a few days." - Arthur (Leiden, Netherlands)
- "It is his talent for writing that makes reading this book a true pleasure. You are sucked into the book, you walk on that market, you climb that mountain in Tibet together with Boris, you play soccer with the locals in Africa with him, you fall in love with that woman, you curse the official who tries to take advantage of the traveller." - Monique (Lent, Netherlands)
- "After every chapter, I thought, 'OK, one more chapter, and I will really go to sleep!'. I finished in no time. My first thought was: 'This is good! Everyone should read this! This is different from all other travel stories. This is entertaining well above average.'" - Renata (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- "While reading 'The long road to Cullaville' I constantly had the impression I was travelling along. I could not stop reading. I felt the heat, heard the noise, smelled the stench, tasted what he was eating and saw what he saw. And yes, I was sympathising. And read some parts with bated breath." - Renata (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- "I am impressed by the spectacular content, but also the way in which it is written. The colourful. original style. Never dull, never a word too much" - Renata (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- "Exquisite book that takes you to special and unexpected destinations. It describes the beautiful side of travel but also takes you along on its challenges. I read it in no time and it has ignited the travel virus in me." - Ramon (Leiden, Netherlands)
- "How I enjoyed reading your daredevil adventures, beautifully written and absolutely worth reading" - Martin (Bussum, Netherlands)
- "Your book is a true page turner! Beautiful, intense and touching stories and observations. I enjoy reading so far. My god, you have stories to tell!" - Martin (Bussum, Netherlands)
- "Using a clear writing style, Boris Kester gives a complete description of some of the world's most remote places and recounts his first-hand experiences. The joy of "The long road to Cullaville" lies in the immersive detail of the narrative. When reading Chapter 1 I experienced a journey of emotions." - Rosa (Lisbon, Portugal)
- "Travelling is like dreaming, it creates a space where vivid visions and dreams can be generated. You have to travel and know how to stop and to make them reality. Your book certainly is going to enchant everyone and it will be an inspiration for many travellers." - Tiziana (Milano, Italy)
- "It has been a delight learning about your travels and I think you have some fantastic stories that I'm sure many people will enjoy reading." - Emma (Bristol, UK)
- "Sincerely superb. What an opening chapter. Truly a masterpiece!" - Arthur (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- "Beautiful. So powerful." - Jake (Brisbane, Australia)
- "The valuable juxtaposition between the tourist and your way of travel. Pertinent." - Jake (Brisbane, Australia)
- "I love the message in the introduction: humanity holds a mirror to your own values and beliefs; if you feel danger, you manifest danger; if you believe in intrinsic human connection, that is what you will get." - Jake (Brisbane, Australia)
- "Fantastic! That chapter brought me goosebumps." - Jake (Brisbane, Australia)
- "You do a great job of narrating the events that you found yourself in." - Maya (Washington DC, USA)
- "You definitely have stories to tell and you make a compelling case for travel." - Maya (Washington DC, USA)
- "You describe the scenery of the countryside and the buildings of the cities so well that I feel I'm there with you. Your readers will love that." - Mary (Santa Fe, USA)
- "This chapter is amazing!" - Mary (Santa Fe, USA)
- "It's really, really good. It's well written, it's descriptive, it's humorous, it's good story telling. It's modest too - I have read too many travel books and articles that are more about the author than they are about travelling." - Phil (Toronto, Canada)
- "I find that I'm very rarely absorbed into a book, but I was with this read." - Adam (Dubai, UAE)
- "This chapter was riveting." - Sandra (Seattle, USA)
- "I get a real sense of how and why you travel. I am just honoured to have read this incredible chapter!" - Sandra (Seattle, USA)
- "Your style of writing is easy to digest. Great storytelling." - Sandra (Seattle, USA)